Plans & Pricing

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Premium package

$50.00 per month
  • Become Premium Pro
  • Full profile page & personal branding
    • Your trademark
    • Visible contact details
    • About us section
    • Expertise Categories
    • Work time
    • Promo Video
    • Image Gallery
    • Covered area map
    • Address & Direction Map
  • Become Visible for 1300+ clients
  • Apply for Job for 300+ jobs monthly
  • Get Ratings & Testimonials

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Trial package

Free for 360 days

Premium package

$50.00 per month
  • Become Premium Client
  • Full profile page & personal branding
    • Post unlimited number of jobs
    • Get craftsmen to apply to your job
    • Personalized job pages
    • Manage craftsmen applications
    • Receive instant job application messages
  • Become Visible for 1300+ craftsmen
  • Get more than 30+ job applications
  • Get Ratings & Testimonials

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Trial package

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